Websites are now living, breathing employees that work 24/7 for their companies. You can’t just buy a site anymore. They are a sales reps, customer service agents, human resources administrators, and marketing coordinators all in one. They cannot just be left alone to survive the cold Internet wilderness. This employee must be nurtured: fed, watered, and caffeinated, just like the marketing coordinator who sits two cubes down from you. Your inbound marketing strategy is a health and wellness plan for your website.
1. Share on social media.
Social media is the perfect platform on which to share your content with the masses in small, easy-to-swallow doses. By including a link to the rest of the content, this is a great pathway to your website.
2. Offer desirable content.
Blogging, eBooks, and newsletters are great ways to share content directly from your website while adding additional pages to the site itself. This strategy allows you to establish your business as a thought leader in your industry without hammering your website visitors with sales tactics. Today’s customers want to feel as though they find their own solutions to their problems. Equipping them with the information they need to do just that will point them right back to your sales page when they are ready to purchase.
3. Gather leads.
Educational content is a great trade for a name and email address. A well-planned form and landing page allows you to gather information about potential customers, whom your sales team can then begin to contact and nurture into leads.
These three avenues of inbound marketing promote SEO growth by supplying additional site pages, inbound links to your website, and keywords resulting in popularity on Google. If left alone, a website cannot thrive in all its different roles. Your website's health and wellness plan will help it to remain healthy and growing and allow you to stay ahead of the competitiion.