Your marketing dollars are valuable. No one wants to make a bad investment in a marketing plan or strategy that doesn’t yield returns or weakens your brand. It’s vital to incorporate the latest trends and technology into your marketing plan, but what about traditional media like newspapers, advertising circulars, and magazines? A good, modern brand strategy incorporates the most appropriate kinds of traditional advertising into the best hybrid plan for your organization.
But no one reads print media anymore, right?
Although newspaper subscriptions and daily readership are down, in certain demographics, regular readership has remained relatively high. These groups include readers with income over $100,000, older Americans, and Caucasians.[1] With the constant influx of up-to-the-minute news from television, Internet sources, and social media, newspapers may seem like a dated, slow way to get information. But the value of newspapers lies in their ability to thoughtfully reflect and consider the news, conducting large-scale investigative reports and compiling diverse editorials to look more thoroughly into topics.
Similarly, specialty magazines excel when they dive into their target communities, aiming for a deeper rather than a broader connection with readers. Niche magazines like the wildly successful Garden & Gun succeed by clearly defining their brand and forging a real relationship with their community of readers. While anyone can put virtually anything on the Internet cheaply and easily, print remains a mark of stability, commitment, and trustworthiness.
Advertising in print media continues to be an effective way to reach target demographics. Most valuably, you can piggyback on the trust and interest those readers have in the publication, enhancing your own brand’s goodwill. Consumers are more likely to buy a new product when learning about it from a newspaper or magazine ad.
How can I integrate print and Internet marketing?
That same Nielsen study found that the most “persuasive awareness driver” to new products is a mix of all kinds of advertising media. Combining new trends in marketing with traditional strategies helps target multiple demographics as well as reinforce your brand’s credibility and trustworthiness through proven channels.
Embarking on an integrated campaign can be as simple as including websites and email addresses in print ads or giving online product or service discount codes to print media consumers. Consumers continue to redeem coupons, whether obtained from print media like newspaper or magazines, printed out from an online site, or received through direct mail. 89% of consumers use paper coupons, with 46% preferring print coupons from the newspaper and mail.[2] Creating print ads and specials to direct traffic to your online resources enables you to use both media to your advantage.
Similarly, following up in print with customers or prospects with whom you’ve interacted online can personalize their experience and deepen the relationship. For example, one of the most popular high end shoe sellers in the U.S. has always sent a personalized thank-you card by mail to every customer – even those who purchased online. This unusual, personal touch enhances the customer experience and builds brand loyalty. Sending “snail mail” in today’s digital world can demonstrate that your business is willing to go above and beyond to give customers a special experience.
Whatever your marketing strategy, integrating commercial printing and online inbound marketing strategies can enhance its reach and effectiveness. Blue Frog can help you develop creative strategies to develop your brand and reach your target audience. Contact us today to talk about crafting an integrated marketing plan that works for your business’ needs.
[1] http://www.stateofthemedia.org/2013/newspapers-stabilizing-but-still-threatened/newspapers-by-the-numbers/
[2] http://www.valassis.com/2015-coupon-intelligence-report.aspx