Company culture. You hear the words often, but what does it really mean? It’s more than just buying fancy furniture and fun games for the office, or stocking the fridge with snacks. It’s about attracting talented people you know want to help your business succeed; it’s about showing them what you value as a company and how they will be treated under your care.
In the past year, Blue Frog has added on five highly talented employees from all across the country to its team, and each of them brings something new and exciting to the table. From recent college graduates to seasoned marketing professionals, we’ve added to the capability and expertise of our company in a big way, and our company culture has played a huge part in doing so.
As a marketing company, Blue Frog comprises an uncommon blend of talent: inbound marketing experts working alongside print professionals, graphic designers, and writers who are all passionate about what we do. So, how do we attract the best and brightest out there?
Hiring talented individuals is normal; hiring talented individuals with a personality that matches your team and your values is exceptional. Blue Frog selects each of its employees based not only on their unique skill sets, but also on how we anticipate they will work and communicate with our staff. Attention to these two qualities will allow your team to become stronger and remain in sync as it grows.
Equally as important as the individual personalities of those you hire is the culture your company promotes. How do you encourage your employees to connect and interact with each other? Blue Frog regularly takes an afternoon or evening to enjoy each other’s company outside of the office. We’ve romped around at the Iowa State Fair, attended a baseball game or two, and enjoyed drinks at some local Des Moines favorites.
It’s a well-known fact that a company’s work environment plays a major role in the productivity and happiness of employees. With employees across the country and offices in both Des Moines and Denver, there’s no “uniform” workspace for Blue Frog, but rather a liberating sense of flexibility. At our Des Moines headquarters, employees share an open floor and communal work space, which helps to boost creativity and collaboration, bond our team, and keep us connected to each other throughout the day—while also enjoying the occasional “work-from-your-living-room-in-your-pajamas” day. Our team members who work remotely from across the country have the ability to completely self-monitor their working hours to fit their everyday schedules.
Keeping up with a trend that’s becoming more normal across the nation, Blue Frog’s unlimited vacation policy helps our staff to maintain a healthy work-life balance, whether they're planning a vacation or taking care of a sick child. When employees are able to take time off they need rather than having to adhere to a rigid vacation-day limit, it makes them happier to come into work every day and positively affects the mentality with which they approach and perform their tasks.
Interested in taking the leap?
Like what you see? Blue Frog is always accepting resumes, and we’d love to hear from you. Reach us at 515.221.2214, www.bluefrogdm.com, or learn more by visiting our career page.