With thousands of blogs out on the web, will yours stand out from the rest? If you want your business blog to rise above the others, you must do the necessary work to promote it!
Promotion increases traffic to your blog, boosts your PR visibility and helps to establish you as an industry leader.
Before you begin the process of promoting your blog, be sure it is optimized for success! This means it must have compelling titles and images, and it should be easy for readers to share your posts across their social media channels. Now, let’s look at the ways you can promote your blog and increase traffic to your website:
- Reach Out to Bloggers
The perfect starting place for promoting your blog lies in creating new relationships and leveraging your existing connections. Mention influential bloggers in your industry on your blog and social media. This helps to create an opportunity for those bloggers to share your posts across their networks in return. Additionally, you can create link-building opportunities that will be essential in the accumulation of inbound links and how your blog posts rank in search engines.
- Use Website Banners
Calls-to-actions are SO POWERFUL in driving traffic to your blog. Why not place calls-to-actions on different pages of your website? Your home page and the “About Us” company page are always great spots to include CTAs. Remember to carefully create the language of your CTA. For example, consider emphasizing the number of people who are already subscribed to your blog then use a call-to-action saying something such as, “Join the 35,000 people who receive our new blog posts via email today!”
- Sharing on Social Media
The connection between social media sharing and business blogging is an essential component for the promotion of your content. Just about any blog you come across these days has social sharing buttons included so it is easy for people to share the content.
A blog is much easier to promote if it is OPTIMIZED for success!
Learn exactly how to generate blog content, optimize your blog posts, promote your blog and measure your blog’s success!
- Include Email Signatures
Most likely, your blog covers a variety of topics, which are all tailored to your marketing persona. So, whenever sending an email, link to the great resources you have available on your blog. Email signatures can drive a significant amount of traffic to your blog!
- Use Your Presentations and Events
If you are giving a presentation at an event on a certain topic, you can direct the audience to your blog for more information. Consider using a QR code to allow people to easily and quickly subscribe to your blog.
- Try Running a Contest
Think about running a contest on your blog to draw more attention to it. Design an entry system that requires other bloggers to link back to you. Have them either publish a post on their blog, ‘Like’ your Facebook page, or retweet a post from your blog in order to be eligible. Those are sure ways to help expand your blog’s reach and gain new visitors!
- Make a Video
Consider creating a short video describing what your blog does and what its mission is. Then publish the video to YouTube and allow a new audience to find it. Think about creating funny or controversial videos that link back to your blog.
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If you need help with any blogging, website content creation, graphic design or website design services, or social media marketing, contact us today! Check out our ebook below to learn more about improving your SEO with marketing analytics.