Inbound marketing has been around for some time now, but it is important to understand how correctly carrying out an inbound strategy could benefit your business over the long term. It’s important to be conscious of any differences between how you are marketing to your target market versus how they would actually like to be marketed to. According to HubSpot, inbound allows your business to create a valuable experience by attracting customers in a way that is relevant and helpful to them. Isn’t that what all of us are trying to do?
Take a look at these five reasons your business should consider adopting an inbound strategy right away!
When your business adopts an inbound marketing strategy, it will revolve around continually generating relevant information and publishing it to the web for your customers and potential prospects. When you are generating relevant content on your site, you are more likely to attract the right customers at the right time—when they are specifically looking for your product or service!
2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Applications like Netflix, Spotify, and pop-up blockers allow consumers to avoid some forms of outbound marketing. Today’s consumers search the internet to get the answers they need when they need them. When you publish relevant content, you build up your credibility on the web and appear in more searches—leading to more website views. This helps your business be the obvious choice when your target audience is ready to purchase.
3. Cost Effectiveness
According to HubSpot, organizations that use inbound marketing strategies see a cost per lead that is 61% less than those that primarily use outbound tactics. This is because those who use inbound marketing are being found by prospects who are searching online for what these companies have to offer. Outbound methods are often costlier, and they push messaging to a broader audience, many of whom may have no interest in the message.
4. Long-Term Customer Relationships
An inbound strategy involves engaging with and delighting your customers well beyond a single contact or sale. After drawing in prospects with valuable content, you can continue to engage them to develop a long-term relationship and build trust.
5. Increased Brand Awareness
If you are not continually adding content to your page, how do you expect to be discovered by your target audience? Inbound marketing requires you to continually publish content that lines up with the journey of the buyer as they are conducting their searches. By publishing this content, you allow your audience share it with others. This allows you to cover a larger audience.
Inbound Marketing with Blue Frog
At Blue Frog, we offer professional marketing services that deliver a high return on our clients’ investments. As a Diamond HubSpot partner, we can help you build a comprehensive, data-driven solution tailored to your business and create valuable experiences for your target market. Click below to talk to one of our experts and get started today!