Commonfund Asset Management
Rebuilding SEO foundations after Google penalty violation

The Mark Law Firm is a full-service firm representing the interests of its clients in matters of employment law, civil rights law, workers' compensation, traffic, and criminal matters. At the time The Mark Law Firm made the decision to partner with Blue Frog, the company had to build a brand new online presence in order to drive traffic to its website, collect leads, and convert visitors into clients. In the four years since partnering with Blue Frog, The Mark Law Firm has gained rapidly increasing website traffic that currently exceeds 6,916 sessions per month and has generated 1,283 new contacts.
The Challenge
Before partnering with Blue Frog, The Mark Law Firm used another marketing company to generate leads. However, after Google’s algorithm update in 2012, The Mark Law Firm’s website was punished due to the black hat SEO tactics the marketing company had been practicing. The Mark Law Firm was forced to find a new solution and build a completely new website and brand image from scratch. Crafting a long-term marketing strategy with Blue Frog to build a strong, long-lasting online presence and generating leads through its website enabled The Mark Law Firm to build brand awareness, increase online visibility, and grow its clientele.
The Solution
HubSpot provided the Mark Law Firm with the tools it needed to draw more customers to its site, engage them with valuable content, and nurture them through the buyer’s journey with targeted, personalized communications. Blue Frog manages the Law Firm’s online activities through HubSpot, which is an online platform that provides the tools the company needs to draw more customers to its website, engage them with valuable content, and nurture them along the buyer’s journey with personalized communications. Blue Frog’s team of content writers created regular blog posts for The Mark Law Firm, utilizing HubSpot’s blogging tool to easily optimize the posts and share them on social media platforms. HubSpot has made it easy for Blue Frog to create calls-to-action and optimized landing pages with forms to generate leads for The Mark Law Firm online. Blue Frog uses HubSpot’s analytic tools to show The Mark Law Firm the results of online marketing efforts, providing insight into prospects’ interests and needs as well as which tactics work best for converting particular segments of the company’s email list into customers.
More traffic from google
New monthly contacts through the site
More website traffic
The Results
The Mark Law Firm continually sees growth in its website traffic and keyword rankings as well as new contacts generated through the use of online forms and landing pages that Blue Frog has built through HubSpot.
Crafting a long-term marketing strategy with Blue Frog to build a strong, long-lasting online presence and generating leads through its website enabled the Mark Law Firm to build brand awareness, increase client visibility, and grow its clientele.