Dynamic Business Growth Blog | Blue Frog

What Kind of Downloadable Content Should I Create for My Business?

Written by Diane Campbell | Apr 14, 2016

You know that offering valuable downloadable content on your website is an effective way to generate new leads for your business. But what kind of offer should you make to entice your potential customers to give you their contact information? As with everything in content marketing, it depends on who your potential buyers are, what they’re looking for, and where they are in the buying process.



EBooks are great for providing more in-depth information about subjects your potential buyers care about, particularly when they are beginning to dig into consumer research to educate themselves about an aspect of your industry. For example, if you are a contractor who provides remodeling services, you might offer eBooks on subjects such as custom cabinetry, flooring options, or home additions. Calls to action on your website and attached to the end of relevant blog posts will help get the attention of readers who would like to learn more about these topics.



People love infographics because they are capable of presenting fairly detailed information in an easily digestible, visual format. If you provide products to retail businesses, for example, you might provide infographics that potential client retailers would like to display for their customers. In that way, you may be able to substantially increase your brand awareness in addition to acquiring new business contacts.



Providing downloadable coupons can be an effective way of tipping a consumer’s mind in favor of purchasing your goods or services over your competitors’. At the same time, collecting these prospective customers’ email addresses allows you to continue to market to them with additional offers and other valuable content to keep them coming back as well as persuade them to tell their friends about you.


White Papers

The white paper format that is well suited to B2B companies marketing to potential customers who are choosing between their products or services and their competitors’. Its overt purpose is to persuade and influence decision making. White papers provide detailed information about the features and benefits of what your organization provides, so they are ideal tools for technical or otherwise complex industries, in which buyers need a great deal of education in order to make wise purchase decisions. White papers are fairly formal documents and must be written to very high standards.


Case Studies

Providing case studies allows you to show off to your potential customers how well you’ve done for others like them. Case studies, like white papers, are particularly useful for B2B businesses and should contain a great deal of detail about how you have helped others attain their goals.


These are only a few examples of the many varieties of downloadable content you can create for your business. To decide what types would best serve your business, think about who your customers are and what they value. If you’re having trouble coming up with ideas, contact Blue Frog Marketing! Our HubSpot-certified account managers can help you craft a content marketing strategy that fits your business and your budget. We can also help with graphic design, copywriting, and editing for your projects. With offices in Des Moines and Denver, we serve clients across the U.S. and beyond. Click the button below to get in touch with us.