Dynamic Business Growth Blog | Blue Frog

Top 10 Google Fonts Pairings

Written by Blue Frog Team | Feb 14, 2018

Google Fonts are an awesome resource in a designer’s toolbox thanks to their open-source license, helpful interface, and cross-platform display for web design projects. The biggest challenge can be finding the right font pairing to use for your project. Fortunately, Blue Frog is here to help with a list of our top 10 Google Font pairings.

1. Montserrat + Crimson

2. Raleway + Merriweather

3. Ubuntu + Roboto

4. Oswald + Average

5. Arvo + Raleway

6. Lora + Ledger

7. Nunito + Open Sans

8. Playfair Display + Lato

9. Lato + Roboto

10. Oleo Script + Open Sans


To learn more about Google Fonts, check out our article “Why You Should Design With Google Fonts”. If you’re looking for someone to design a compelling website for you, reach out to Blue Frog Dynamic Marketing, a Des Moines-based marketing agency. Contact us today to learn how you can put our team of graphic designers, website designers, social media marketers, and content creators to work for your brand. Click the link below to request a consultation.