Dynamic Business Growth Blog | Blue Frog

Five Tips for Designing a Compelling Website

Written by Blue Frog Team | Oct 31, 2017

In today’s marketing climate, consumers often rely on their visual connection to a company’s website to assess its credibility and relevance. Within seconds of scanning your homepage, visitors are deciding how trustworthy and valuable the information is and whether they want to explore your business further.

Telling a compelling story about your brand begins with an attractive, easy-to-navigate website that welcomes new visitors and encourages them to return. Consider these five tips when designing your website to be compelling and relevant to your potential customers.


Utilize a Clean Layout

When you host others in your home, you clean and organize so guests can be comfortable and find things easily. The same principle applies to your website: a clean, uncluttered layout puts visitors at ease and enables them to efficiently find the information they seek.

Start by using strong, relevant images to give viewers a sense of your brand and break up text on the homepage. Prioritize homepage content by thinking about what information will be most helpful and quickly digestible for your visitors. If your site is compelling and easy to navigate, they will click over to other pages for more detailed content.


Harmonize a Strong Color Scheme

Pops of color break up sections of text and direct the eye around the page. Research what colors work well together and what emotions they can evoke. If you choose to use colored text, make sure it is a color that is easy on the eyes. (For example, bright yellow is often hard to read, especially in large blocks of text.) Check out this article on 50 impactful color schemes to get started.  


Build on Relevant Images and Videos

If your business is Des Moines home building, images of lodges in the Rocky Mountains or a houses on the beach won’t accurately represent of your business. Remember that visual cues can strongly influence consumers’ willingness to trust your brand, so be as accurate as possible when choosing images. Adding video will allow you to showcase several aspects of your business without cluttering the page layout. Learn more about the benefits of video in this article


Focus on a Useful Navigation Menu 

Most users will skim your site for simple items like a list of your services, how to contact you, or maybe to find your blog. Design a layout that makes navigation easy, and keep the wording concise. This makes it easy for users to engage with your website and quickly find what they’re looking for.


Use Design Elements to Your Advantage

Rather than creating a busy page that’s stuffed with graphics, use visual elements sparingly, and create graphic calls to action. use a simple button that says something like “learn more” to break up a chunk of text, or incorporate clickable icons that link to more detailed information. Keep in mind that these elements catch the viewer’s eye, so place each intentionally, and create balance on the page.


In conclusion, use color, relevant and captivating images, videos, and graphic design elements to draw users into your site. Then, help them accomplish what they came for in an efficient manner by creating clear navigation and action items. A strong visual presence will help your business stand out from the rest and begin building trust and credibility with your website users.

If you are looking for someone to build your online presence and design a compelling website for you, Blue Frog Marketing can help. We have offices in Des Moines, Denver, and Huron, assisting clients across the country with website design and online strategyContact us today to learn more.